Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Faves

I've been busy this week interning with Etcetera, a luxury clothing line that is sold in people's homes. I know the two women in charge of selling in my town, so they were super nice to let me join in on the fun! Can't wait to see how it affects my resume....

My top 5 is going to be short and sweet and straight to the point this week. I get to see my boo tomorrow, so I need to get my beauty rest :) Happy weekend, y'all!!

1. The Bahamas.   This is because....I AM GOING A WEEK FROM TOMORROW!! Never been & can't wait!! However, Bahamas means bathing suits and I am having a terrible time finding the right one...gag, I hate swimwear...and my beer belly.

2. Etcetera clothing.   Because it's the ish and beyond chic.

3. Almay Smokey-i eyeshadow for brown eyes.   I finally bought it last week and love the dramatic look I get from it!

4. Target.   Momma got me a gift card for Valentine's Day and I am shocked I have not spent it yet! That is at the top of my to-do list for tomorrow.

5. Tory Burch.   Mainly because I am currently staring at the clear & orange plastic beach tote I got FO' FREE two years ago filled with goodies from Neiman's. T'was a good day....

Peace out! Don't get too crazy this weekend!!

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