Friday, February 11, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

I just wanted to leave you for the weekend with a couple of guilty pleasures of mine. These following things are my vices, yet the sunshine to my senses. Enjoy yourself....

1. Criminal Minds, Law & Order: SVU, and any other scary crime drama on primetime TV.
2. Britney Spears. Enough Said.
3. Looking for decorating ideas for my imaginary, yet hopefully future, apartment. Not too mention the imaginary bank account that I think I have.
4. Nike shorts. You know which ones I'm talking about....the ones that make everyone's butts look saggy, but look so cute from the front.
5. SJP.
6. InStyle Magazine.
7. Reese's Cups....the reason you can't see my six-pack...hahaha.
8. Anything on E!
9. Old school Patagonia fleeces...on guys....
10. and last but not least....Jeggings....I can't elaborate on this one because I'm quite embarrassed....

Have fun this weekend! Get crazy and out of control because Monday comes too soon!!

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